Functional medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that looks at the body as one system and addresses underlying causes instead of symptoms or diseases. In short, it all starts with listening to your body and being mindful about what you’re putting into it – but we’ll get more into that later in our discussion on food habits. Functional medicine also focuses on optimizing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health which can help prevent disease before it becomes an issue. This article will focus on some key aspects of functional medicine such as looking for patterns rather than individual symptoms, understanding how stress impacts your health (and vice versa), and the importance of whole foods nutrition.

1) Looking for patterns

In functional medicine, we look at the body as a whole system instead of individual parts. This means that we’re looking for patterns in your symptoms instead of just treating one symptom at a time. For example, if you’re experiencing fatigue, digestive issues, and skin problems, we might look for patterns between these symptoms to find the root cause.

2) Understanding stress

Stress can impact your health in many ways, both good and bad. On the one hand, short-term stress can actually help you perform better under pressure. However, long-term or chronic stress can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Chronic stress has been linked to conditions like heart disease, obesity, and depression.

3) Identifying food sensitivities

The food you put into your body can have a huge impact on the way it functions. If you have food sensitivities, even healthy foods can make you feel sick. Common symptoms of food sensitivities include gastrointestinal issues, fatigue, and skin problems.

4) Getting to the root cause

Healing is more than just taking care of your symptoms. We need to find the root cause in order for you to be truly healed, which means looking beyond physical problems and focusing on what’s going wrong inside yourself on a deeper level.

5) Treating the whole person

In conventional medicine, each organ or system is treated separately. However, in functional medicine, we treat the whole person. This means that we take into account your lifestyle, environment, and psychological health when developing a treatment plan.

6) Creating a personalized plan

Because everyone is different, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to health. In functional medicine, we create a personalized plan based on your unique needs and health goals.

7) Supporting the body’s natural healing process

The human body is an incredible healing machine. However, sometimes it needs a little help. In functional medicine, we work to support the body’s natural healing process by providing nutrients, detoxing the body, and reducing stress.

8) Promoting healthy lifestyle choices

Making healthy lifestyle choices is essential for good health. In functional medicine, we work with you to make sure that your lifestyle choices are supporting your health goals.

9) Addressing underlying imbalances

In order to achieve optimal health, it is important to address any underlying imbalances in the body. These imbalances can be caused by factors like poor diet, stress, and toxins.

10) Optimizing nutrition

Yoga is not only an excellent workout, but it also helps you reduce stress and tension in the body. It can improve flexibility as well as strength levels! In functional medicine, we work with you to make sure that you’re getting all the nutrients you need from the food you eat.

11) Reducing exposure to toxins

The average person is exposed to toxins on a daily basis. This includes the air they breathe and even what we put in our bodies as food! In functional medicine, we work to reduce your exposure to toxins and help your body detoxify itself.

12) Managing stress

Stress is a normal part of life, but it can take a toll on your health if it’s not managed properly. In functional medicine, we work with you to find ways to manage your stress and promote relaxation.

13) Supporting gut health

The gut is home to 70% of the body’s immune system, so it’s no surprise that gut health is linked to overall health. In functional medicine, we work to support gut health by promoting a healthy balance of bacteria and providing nutrients that are essential for gut health.

Functional medicine is a holistic approach to medicine that looks at the body as a whole, rather than focusing on specific symptoms or diseases. By addressing the underlying causes of illness, Functional Medicine can help you achieve better health and prevent disease. If you’re looking for a more personalized approach to your health, consider these 11 steps to better health with functional medicine tips.


Functional medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that looks for patterns and underlying causes of illness rather than treating symptoms in isolation. By understanding stress, food sensitivities, and other factors that can affect health, you can create a personalized plan to support the body’s natural healing process and promote better health overall. If you’re looking for ways to improve your health, functional medicine may be the answer. Are there any steps from our 13-point plan that you would like to try?